Improve Your Productivity in 2025 with NEW Industry 4.0 Solutions from KELCH UK
Maintaining a competitive edge during these uncertain times is a key factor for the profitability and sustainability of any business within the manufacturing sector.
UK manufacturing companies are increasingly relying on KELCH’s Production Support Solutions in order to increase production efficiency by minimising machine downtime and reducing scrap rates.
For more insight into how our innovative solutions can boost your productivity, simply click the links below to access our latest product pages:
Machine-tool Spindle Clamping Force Checker
Safecontrol 4.0 helps to safeguard the service life of components and machine-tool spindles. The electronic measuring system also prevents greater tool and machine wear.
Thermal Induction Shrink Machines
Improve your tool holding accuracy and cutting torque with our range of manual and automatic shrink fit devices and tooling.
Advanced Tool Presetting Machines
The KELCH Kenova Set Line range of advanced tool presetting machines offers high precision and accuracy at a price point to suit your requirements.
Tool Data Management Software
Tool organisation made easy with software from TDM Systems: Stay one step ahead of the competition with digital tool management! Obtain greater transparency and extensive tool know how thanks to the central database in TDM.
Data Transfer Systems
New KELCH solutions for transferring your tool data securely between presetter and machine-tool to minimise operator involvement in the data transfer process and ensure your data remains accurate and secure.
Tool Crib Design and Supply
Save time and money with an optimised tool crib design by our experienced team of design engineers. We can guide you through every stage of the process from design to installation with our wide range of tool storage and transportation equipment.
CONTACT US now to see how KELCH solutions can improve your productivity.